
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Patchwork Project (part 1)

This project has been in process for a little bit. The first part is now complete, so I wanted to share it. (besides, i thought we needed a break in the felt projects. because really, there are more to come...)

I started by gathering some raw materials from around my house. And then I began cutting them into 4" squares. Once I had a tidy little stack, I laid them out on the living floor in a few different patterns. I let my children decide on the pattern they liked the best.Next, I began sewing the squares together in rows. Then I sewed the rows together. Once I had the top together, I had to piece the brushed twill together to make the bottom. I did this in vertical strips. (I did it this way, because I didn't have one big piece of twill, and I wanted to use what I had instead of buying more.)
Then, I sandwiched a piece of batting in between the top and bottom pieces. I pinned it, and machine quilted them together. I only did (semi) straight lines, nothing fancy because it was my first time.
After hearing my mom talk about some things her cousins were doing, I decided to try adding some hand quilting using crochet thread. I picked a hot pink color from the stash my grandma gave me, and went to work.

I just used a simple basting stitch in a diagonal, following the white twill squares. I didn't use a hoop or have it set up on frames, so the result is a little crazy. (that's my belly on the bottom of the picture.)
I couldn't decide if I should do one line through the white squares, or have them criss-cross. I asked my husband, oldest daughter and youngest daughter, and they all liked the criss-cross. So that's what I did.

And I'm glad I did. Even though, the lines aren't straight and it's sort of crazy, I like the result. I like the imperfection. It makes it seem really personal and from the heart.
It would make a super cute quilt, but I don't think that's what this is going to end up being. I have something else in mind. And it's been in mind since the beginning. I just have to get up the nerve to cut this new fabric into pieces!